Themed “The Future of Mentoring”, the Summit aims to unveil the impact of mentoring through the sharing and promotion of evidence-based/-informed practices. It also aims to highlight new possibilities, adaptations, and ways of doing mentoring that will expand the mentoring piece and contribute to its sustainability over time.
Curious about what lies ahead for mentoring? Hear from experts in the field through keynote speeches, plenary sessions, virtual networking and even overseas initiatives!
Check out this video for 2021 highlights!
MS SIM ann
Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of National Development, Patron, Advisory Council, Mentoring Alliance Singapore Limited
"An encounter with a caring heart, with a wise mind, has the power to change not just the young person's path in life, his future, but also his ability to help and empower others."

Minister of State; Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade and Industry; Chairman, Advisory Council, Mentoring Alliance Singapore Limited, Guest of Honour
“We believe that guidance and mentorship can help our youths better navigate challenges and opportunities.”
Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Health; Vice-Chairman of the REACH Supervisory Panel; Advisor, Mentoring Alliance Singapore Limited
“I am heartened to see various efforts to engage and support our youth at different level.

Parliamentary Secretary; Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Social and Family Development, Advisor; Mentoring Alliance Singapore Limited.
“We hope to broaden [the youths’] exposure to opportunities, and support them in building on their strengths and talents."

08:30AM - 09:00AM
09:00AM - 09:30AM
Opening Ceremony.
Guest of Honour, Mr. Alvin Tan's address
Updates and announcements by Mentoring Alliance Singapore
09:25AM - 10:25AM
Keynote Address 1:
The Future of Youth Mentoring:New Ideas for the 21st Century
by Dr. Jean Rhodes
Professor of Psychology & Director of the Centre for Evidence-based Mentoring, University of Massachusetts, Boston.

10:40AM - 11:40AM
Keynote Address 2:
Intergenerational Mentoring - Is It For You?
by Dr. Thang Leng Leng
Head of Department for Japanese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore

11:40AM - 12:40PM
Plenary Discussion 1
The Eco-System of Mentoring
Mdm Rahayu Mahzam
Advisor, MASG; Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Health
Mr Ong Kong Hong
Zonal Director, Schools (South), Ministry of Education (MOE)
Mr Chan Whee Peng
Director, National Council of Social Service (NCSS)
Mr David Chua
Chief Executive Officer, National Youth Council
Mr Kelvin Kong
Founder, Voices of Asia (VOA); Chief People Officer, Lazada Singapore
12:45PM - 02:30PM
Lunch Break + Virtual Marketplace Networking
Various virtual booths put up by Ministries, agencies and ground-up initiatives doing mentoring work for young people. Booths include resources for training of mentors as well as allow for networking and collaboration amongst interested parties.
02:30PM - 03:30PM
Overseas Initiatives
Hear from practitioners overseas as they shareabout innovative mentoring practices, possible future ideas, and how these can be implemented in Singapore's context.
Mr David Shapiro
CEO,MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership (USA)
Ms Suzanne De Ruig
Founder, Youth Initiated Mentoring (YIM) Foundation, Netherlands
Ms Arundhuti Gupta
Founder CEO, Mentor Together (India)
03:40PM - 04:40PM
Plenary Discussion 2
The Emerging Trends and Needs for Mentoring
Ms Lam Moi Kwai
CEO, Life Community Services Society
Mr Hafiz Kasman
Executive Committee Member, Mendaki Club
Mr Gary Lau
Mentee turn Mentor
04:40PM - 05:00PM
Closing Address

Mr David Shapiro
CEO, MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership (USA)
Ms Suzanne De Ruig
Founder, Youth Initiated Mentoring (YIM) Foundation, Netherlands

Ms Arundhuti Gupta
Founder CEO, Mentor Together (India)

Dr. Jean Rhodes
Professor of Psychology & Director of the Centre for Evidence-based Mentoring, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Dr. Thang Leng Leng
Head of Department for Japanese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore